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PARCUS - Notre société - Nature juridique

Legal status

‘A local car parking provider’

Company status of Parcus: Semi-public limited company

Parcus is a semi-public limited company, founded in 1973.

Its role is to design, finance, build, manage and operate paying car parking facilities, mainly within Strasbourg Eurométropole.

The company has a capital of 2.8 million euros.


Managing Director: Vincent BARBIER


  • Strasbourg Eurométropole: 50%
  • City of Strasbourg: 10%
  • Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (Deposits and Consignments Fund): 20%
  • Bank pool (CE, BFCM, SG, BP, CIAL): 10%
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI): 5%
  • Association of local businesses (Vitrines de Strasbourg): 5%

Parcus is a public service provider offering solutions for local authorities.

Its shareholders expect it to be a high-performing company in the general interests of local people and recognised for the quality of service provided to users.

Parcus is a shareholder in:

  • The Citiz car sharing scheme*
  • Strasbourg Mobilités (subsidiary of CTS) – promoting bike use in Strasbourg
  • SAS Coubertin (owned 10% by Parcus and 90% by Crédit Mutuel) – a 750-space car park in the Strasbourg business quarter
  • A limited company (currently being set up) owned 50% by Parcus and 50% by the urban development company SERS – specialised in the construction and acquisition of car parks

Contact details:

Headquarters: 55 Rue du Marché Gare CS 17016 – 67037 Strasbourg Cedex
Capital: 2.8 million euros
Date of creation: 13 May 1973 – Created for: 99 years
Business registered under No. 73 B 496
Approval of articles of association: Inter-ministerial decision of 10 April 1973
Approval of local authority participation
Urban Community: Decision of 24 March 1972 (inter-ministerial decision of 10 April 1973
City of Strasbourg: Decision of 15 May 1972

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