
Parcus has been installing cycle racks on the ground floor of its silo car parks for several years now, and continues to do so as car parks are renovated.

Parcus bike parks are self-service and supervised.

Opéra Broglie cycle park
Entrance Impasse de l’Ecrevisse and Impasse de Bischheim 67000 Strasbourg
Space for 123 bikes and 4 cargo bikes Total: 127
Bicycle pump, padlock and small repair kit available from the receptionist

Halles P3 Wilson bike park
Entrance rue des Halles 67000 Strasbourg
Space for 80 bikes, 6 cargo bikes and 10 electric bikes (recharging) Total: 100
Totem with self-service tools for small repairs and pumps

2 Austerlitz bike parks
Entrance rue des Bœufs 67000 Strasbourg
Space for 196 bikes Total: 196
Bicycle pump, padlock and small repairs kit available from the receptionist

Saint-Nicolas bike park
Entrance rue de la Porte de l’Hôpital 67000 Strasbourg
Space for 26 bikes Total: 26
Bicycle pump, padlock and small repair kit available from the receptionist

Etoile Cinéma bike park
Entrance quai Jeanne Helbling 67100 Strasbourg
Space for 30 bikes Total: 30
