
Nouvel hopital civil

Back to the car parks

The Nouvel Hôpital Civil car park is an underground car park with 222 spaces located beneath the hospital. It has direct lift access to the hospital lobby. The underground car park is accessed by inserting the ticket issued at the entrance to the hospital site (Quai Pasteur or Rue Kirschleger) into the entry terminal. This same ticket will be used to pay (either at the automatic pay stations located in the car park, or directly at the exit pay station by credit card only), exit the NHC car park and leave the hospital site. One ticket for the whole route.

Duration / Rates

    • From 00:00 to 1:00

      + 0,50€ / 15 minutes

    • From 1h00 to 8h00 of parking

      + 0,40€ / 15 minutes

    • From 8.00 am to 1.00 pm parking

      + 0,20€ / 15 minutes

    • More than 13 hours parking

      + 2,00€ / hours

    • 24-hour parking


    • Lost ticket

      21€ / day

  • Motorbike fare

    • 50% / of the car fare

  • Evening package

    • From 8pm to 2am


  • Night package

    • From 8pm to 7am


*Rates in accordance with current legislation


Estimate my rate

I would like to park

In the car park

Price guide :


Practical info

Number of places

  • Car


    car spaces

  • places for people with reduced mobility


    places for people with reduced mobility

  • motorbike


    motorbike seats

Maximum height

Height 1.90m

Payment methods

  • Carte bancaire cb
  • Total Energies total
  • Paiement en espèce paiement-espece


  • Ascenseur ascenseur
  • Emplacement pour le stationnement des motos emplacement-motos
  • Paiement en borne de sortie par CB paiement-cb-sortie
  • Places PMR places-handicapes


How do I get to the car park by car?

Play How to get to the car park

Car entries :

  • Rue Kirschleger
  • Quai Pasteur
  • Rue de la Porte de l’Hôpital

Car exits :

  • Rue de la Porte de l’Hôpital.
  • Quai Pasteur
  • Rue Kirschleger

How do I get to the car park on foot?

Play Walk to the car park

Pedestrian entrances :

  • Rue de la Porte de l’Hôpital.
  • Hospices Civils.
  • Quai Pasteur
  • Rue Kirschleger

Nouvel hopital civil

Place de l'Hôpital
67000 Strasbourg

The car park will be closed from ... ....

03 88 36 94 85

Height Maximum height 1.90m


7 days a week from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Exit possible 24 hours a day